Pink hats unite! #ICANTKEEPQUIET on April 8th. And neither should you.
Happy April! I’m so excited to connect with you and fill you in on some “pink hat related opportunities” (I’m trying to get by your spam blockers, but you and I both know what the pink hat is really called! 🙂
When I created “the pink hat project” in November with Kat, Jayna, Aurora and the millions of other women and men who joined the cause, I had a very good friend alongside me, she is the first person I spoke out loud to about my idea, and we all know how special that is, that moment you first give voice to an idea, when it’s still so young and unsteady on its feet. My good friend is Connie Lim and her musician name is MILCK. You may have seen MILCK on the Samantha Bee show with her women’s rights anthem that went viral at the Women’s March #ICANTKEEPQUIET.

A lot of people cannot believe that “the woman who created the unofficial uniform of the march” and “the woman who created the unofficial anthem” are In Real Life actual honest-to-goodness friends! Connie and I call each other “Sister Goddesses” and she knows about my every hope, dream, fear, and guy crush of the moment (G-Eazy, the rapper who dresses like a young Elvis).
Our creations have merged in beautiful ways! All around the world, people are standing up for their beliefs by wearing pink cat ear hats while singing MILCK’s beautiful song “I Can’t Keep Quiet.” Here’s an example of a flashmob in Sweden!
MILCK and I are so excited to invite you to join us on April 8, 2017 on I Can’t Keep Quiet Day. Please check the link for all the details – you can participate from wherever you are in the world! It can be as simple as taking a photo of yourself in your pink hat and posting it to social media with #icantkeepquiet.
And if you’d like to join us in person, we will be in New York City, at Washington Square Park at 1pm on April 8th! I have been madly taking daily voice lessons trying to learn how to harmonize, but my voice teacher Claire says that while learning technique is great, on the day of, I just gotta let go and sing my little heart out 🙂
Today is day 74 of Trump’s first 100 Days. I know all of us have been striving to find ways to stay politically engaged – thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The acts of resistance big and small have all been working. I want to address a criticism that I get, that you might get as well. “Aren’t you just preaching to the choir?” I heard the best response to that recently, from Professor Devon Carbado, at a Post-Election Community Gathering at UCLA, “Well, the choir doesn’t meet up often enough! We’re a little out of tune.” Coming together, whether it is in a “choir practice” or a “knitting circle” is a powerful way to discuss issues, band together, and practice showing a united front. Another speaker from the UCLA night, Lorri L Jean, CEO of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, says that a lot of the victories in the fight for LGBT rights in the 1990s came from “learning how to work with people you agree with two-thirds of the way.”
As MILCK often says, “when we harmonize we cannot be divided.” I love that the “pink hats” come in all shapes and sizes and styles, just like in MILCK’s song, we can all sing different parts, but we come together to create a huge flag of beautiful, peaceful, powerful resistance.
If you ever feel that a phone call to a senator is futile, too small of an act, remember how sending 1 hat to DC helped create a huge impact. Your phone call is like that 1 hat, it is helping. You might not see the physical “victory” like we saw with the hats, but you can know that all of our individual actions come together in a collective powerful way – the hat is a reminder of that. (Growl, oh spam blockers, I so want to use the ACTUAL word instead of just “hat” but you know what I mean!)
I’m LA-based, but will be traveling over the next few months. First stop is New York City. You can come meet me at Knitty City (one of the flagships of the resistance!) this Friday at 4:30pm. I used to live in New York (while attending Barnard College) so I have a ton of dreamy memories of the city. With artist Aurora Lady, I created a special MAP of my favorite places in New York! It will be a free downloadable on my website, but just for my newsletter subscribers, I am giving away 100 of them, and I will sign them to a specific person if you wish. (The first 10 people to write in and then 90 chosen at random/on whim.) I’m a stationery nerd, so I am drooling over these prints – they are printed on beautiful watercolor paper, that you have to touch to believe.
All you have to do is write back to me at this email address heyitsme@kristasuh.com. You can write about what your perfect day in NYC would be OR what you are curious about right now – a hobby? A book? A political issue? A person? It can be 1 sentence long or a manifesto. I’m personally trying to cultivate my curiosity. I think the beautiful thing about New York is that there’s always something to be discovered, it’s a city that rewards curiosity. And I think the best ideas come from releasing shame and creating from that place of curiosity.
AND BY THE WAY – if you’re a friend of mine on this mailing list and you’re thinking “oh I don’t need to write in to get a watercolor print, I see Krista everyday, Krista will just give me one” NOT TRUE, you have to write in like everyone else, because I like the attention :D. (That means you Yumi Sakugawa! And Rachael Lee Stroud!)
Take care, my loves! I am filled with that insane deep welling feeling of joy for you right now, “Gratitude” doesn’t even begin to cover it.