TMI Blog

What My Friends Are Doing This Week!

1.  Rachael & Aurora’s pink house photo shoot
I can’t help but feel like I had something to do with this AMAZING photo shoot featuring Aurora Lady and Augusta Gail, shot by Rachael Lee Stroud.  I introduced Rachael and Aurora (Rachael does all my photos and Aurora does all my illustrations), and am stunned by the beauty of what they created.  Also – PINK! Make sure you check out the full photo shoot magic on Rachael’s blog.

2.  Jayna and Kat’s Welcome Blanket

If 3200 blankets are collected, the amount of yarn will traverse 2000 miles – the length of Trump’s proposed wall.  Let’s make a show of inclusion, not exclusion.  America is a land of immigrants.  You can read about my family’s story in Immigrants are givers, not takers. If you’re in LA you can knit with us on Fridays at The Little Knittery!

3.  Ben’s Flippable Video

Ben Everhart, one of my fellow writers at the coworking space I go to called The Hatchery wrote the script for this flippable video. Flippable is an amazing organization I encourage you all to join.  They do the hard work of identifying where progressives can best put their energy so all you and I have to do is add our voice!  I was one of the early witnesses to flippable because several volunteers from the out-of-state Hillary Ohio team that I campaigned for helped start this organization, and they’re doing a flippin’ amazing job.

 4.  Dan’s Downward Dog

My friend Dan Riddle edits this show which is so funny, sweet, and edgy.

And Martin the dog is a very good actor 😉  It’s the first network show to premiere at Sundance, probably because of its indie comedy vibe.  You can watch full episodes for free here.


The 100 Women + POC Author Project Newsletter

100 Books to Save the World

The 100 Women + POC Author Challenge has begun!

I’ve personally been on a mission to read more books by women and people of color. And then I thought… wouldn’t it be fun to invite you all to join me?!

I love reading, and I think it is important to support authors who are women and people of color. I think it is important to make sure that part of my brain space (prime real estate!) is devoted to ideas from people who are not the dominating white male voices in our society. It doesn’t mean I won’t ever read a book again by a white male, I just want to make a concerted effort to read 100 books over the next few months by women and people of color.

100 Book Plates

For those of you who take the pledge, here’s a GIFT for you! I’ve made a free digital download of beautifully illustrated bookplates, available on my website. Today I am releasing the first set, bookplates #1-20. Over the next few months I will release the rest of the bookplates in sets of 20, in total there will be 100 bookplates, EACH with a unique illustration by the amazing Aurora Lady (who is a Mexican-American woman of color artist!). This is to encourage all of us to pay attention to Women and POC Authors – to give our support by buying the book and to give our respect by giving our mental space to the author’s ideas in the book. You can choose any 100 books to read, my own will be quite the mix: non-fiction, YA fiction, classic, brand new, etc. Extra credit for getting your books from your local independent book store!

Perhaps you are a woman and/or person of color who is asked, “What can I do to be a better feminist? What can I do to not be racist?” You can tell them about this neat challenge to read 100 books by women and people of color. #100womenauthors and #100pocauthors

May is Asian American heritage month, and I am honored to have been interviewed by Teen Vogue about being an Asian American creative. Teen Vogue’s coverage of politics has been spot-on and very brave.

Interview In Teen Vogue

Lastly I wanted to let you know that the Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade has been turned into a Pride MARCH this year, June 11th. There will be sister marches in other parts of the country. Will you be there? When I was in high school, there was the GSA – the Gay Straight Alliance, and I was too scared and too “busy” in high school to join as a straight ally. I want to be better about showing up for causes that may not seem directly my own as an ally – LGBTQ rights, Black Live Matter, etc. because I know how touched I am when people show up for causes that directly affect me. Ultimately, we are all here to support human rights, and we are all banded together by that.

Krista Suh Signature

See You At LA Pride

TMI Blog

30 Before 30

30 Before 30

I've always envied people who had beautiful "30 by 30" lists - me? I had various scrawls over dozens and dozens of journals through my 20s. Things I wanted, lists I started, dreams I jotted down...

In the weeks before I turn 30 (on July 13th!) I've gathered a bunch of those old journals and dreams and consolidated them into one list - I am so shocked and grateful to see SO much of it has come true!

A friend of mine recently told me, "Fear of turning 30 is patriarchy." HA! So true. I am not afraid at all. Mostly because I meet dozens of women in their 30s 40s 50s 60s and BEYOND who show me that there is so much to life in any decade, and whatever age I am, I need not let age stop me, but rather, fuel me. I hope you feel the same, no matter what age you are.


Krista Suh
Flowers and Gems Divider
  1. Travel 7 continents (check!)
  2. Get beautiful photos taken of me (check)
  3. Get beautiful photos taken of me naked (check - I hope to live to old age and release these at my funeral)
  4. Roast a whole chicken (pending)
  5. SING acapella in public (check - on I Can't Keep Quiet Day!)
  6. Get drawn by an artist I admire (check! Anthony D and Aurora Lady have both drawn me)
  7. Decorate my home in a very ME way (check)
  8. Win an Emmy or Oscar (didn't get this, but I did WORK at the Emmys, should have been more specific on my vision board LoL)
  9. Be written up in Variety (trade magazine for showbiz!) (check! I was in Hollywood Reporter, and interviewed by Variety hooray!)
  10. Be in the New Yorker (check! I was hoping for a Shouts and Murmurs piece or a fiction piece, but the COVER and Talk of the Town etc. I'll take it!)
  11. Throw a super cool house party (check! And people DANCED - without me making them LoL)
  12. Do a back flip (not quite, but I DID take circus classes and acrobatics classes so I call this a win!)
  13. Grow my hair super long (check!)
  14. Wear the perfect black tie gown to the perfect event (check! E.g. The Peace Ball in DC)
  15. Date a really hot guy (check! You know who you are hahaha… or… at least my friends know who you are, b/c I won't stop talking about you)
  16. See a tarot card reader (check!)
  1. Have a craft area and an office (check!)
  2. Have a gorgeous organized wardrobe of killer clothes (check!)
  3. Learn a few really good go-to dishes that make me appear like I'm a better cook than I am (check! This recipe is my ace up my sleeve: Thai Beef with Basil)
  4. Find a secret talent (check! I'm a freakin NATURAL at frosting cupcake roses!)
  5. Learn calligraphy (check!)
  6. Do something edgy and artistic - maybe street art? (check! Haha, yes, I was so specific on this one, huh? We'll say the Pussyhat Project is this one)
  7. Pet a tiger (check! Well, 1 jaguar, several cheetahs, my heart is FULL, they are amazing creatures)
  8. Knit a sweater (or something that is NOT flat like scarves, shawls, blankets, etc) (check!!!)
  9. Work in an art museum in a big city (check! Next step is to write a chick lit book about it)
  10. Write and sell a romcom movie (check!)
  11. Road trip (check! Did part of Route 66! And did an LA to Santa Fe road trip with Connie and Yumi!)
  12. See the Northern Lights! (check!)
  13. Date a celebrity (it counts if he's big in Europe, right?)
  14. Write a book!!!
Krista's 30 Before 30 list
Krista's New York City TMI Blog

Krista’s New York City

Krista Suh New York City Map

I used to live in New York (while attending Barnard College) so I have a ton of dreamy memories of the city. With artist Aurora Lady, I created a special MAP of my favorite places in New York!

This map features my dearest memories of the city— places that invoke curiosity and discovery. There are also places that have been infinitely supportive of the resistance.

You can read more about each place on the map below, and download the map for FREE here.

It is my deepest hope that you use this map to travel around the city and make your own memories. Please let me know via I​nstagram if you decide to go to any of them: take a selfie and tag me!

Cathedral Church of St. John Illustrated First Kiss

Cathedral Church of Saint John: The Great Divine in the City and Diocese of New York

I had my first kiss nearby this church — shhhh! Come here and take a Vertical Tour — instead of the normal tour where you walk around, on the Vertical Tour you will go UP! Afterward visit the Children’s Sculpture Garden — I’d often come here when I needed a break from classes. Sometimes there are iridescent blue and albino peacocks to be seen. Also go to the Hungarian Pastry Shop, order a cookie and sit at one of the tiny tables. Bring a thick novel to read.

1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street New York, NY 10025
(212) 316-7540 info@stjohndivine

Bemelmans Bar Illustration

Bemelmans Bar

I like to come here at an odd hour when it’s empty, like mid-afternoon. I order a pricey cocktail and sit at the bar alone, being mysterious, all the while taking in the murals painted by Bemelman — the artist who made and drew Madeleine. This bar is so special and historical.

35 E 76th St Carlyle Hotel New York, NY 10021
(212) 744-1600
Sunday and Monday, 12 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Tuesday to Thursday, 12 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Friday and Saturday, 12 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.


Knitty City NYC Resistance Illustration

Knitty City

The revolution can be found here!!! As well as gorgeous yummy yarn. The perfect place to join a knitting circle and/or the revolution.

208 W 79th St, New York, NY 10024
(212) 787-5896
Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 11-6
Wednesday, Thursday 11-8
Sunday 12-5

Empire State Building Rainbow Colors Illustration

Empire State Building

I love high places, and I love places that are open late. The Empire State Building is both — it’s open until 2am! I love coming here at 1 in the morning, and feeling the wind hit my face, it’s so rejuvenating.

350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118
8am-2am daily

Rolf's NYC Illustrated Christmas Tree


Rolf’s induces magic and awe with Christmas decorations (almost) year round. I come here when I need Christmas and comfort food. Their booths are really cute too.

281 3rd Ave New York, NY 10010
(212) 477-4750
HOURS: 12-10pm daily

Ceci Cela Patisserie Illustrated Swan Pastry

Ceci-Cela Patisserie

They have these swan shaped pastries that capture my heart every time. And the bakery has a few seats hidden in the back, like a secret club. A great little refuge from all the clothes and gift shopping you’re bound to do in the area.

14 Delancey St, New York, NY 10002
(212) 274-9179
Monday-Friday 6:30am-8pm
Saturday 7am-9pm
Sunday 7am-8pm

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Illustrated Staircase

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum

Miniature staircases. Seriously, best exhibit I saw the whole time I lived in NY, I am so excited that they are currently back on display. Miniature staircase models were made to practice, but they were also made by masters of woodworking to show off their skill. Always something to see at this museum, and their gift shop is great too.

2 E 91st St, New York, NY 10128
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-9pm

American Museum of Natural History Illustrated Ducks

American Museum of Natural History

I come here to cry. Go find the exhibit on ducks and you’ll see why. A great place to wander, especially on a rainy day. In the winter, they have the best Christmas tree in the city decorated with origami of dinosaurs.

Central Park West & 79th St, New York, NY 10024
(212) 769-5100
HOURS: 10am-5:45pm daily

The Modern Restaurant NYC Illustration

The Modern Restaurant

When I first moved to New York, I thought it would be glamorous and a lot like Sex in the City, and it wasn’t! I came to peace with that, and then, a couple years later, I came to this restaurant, and, for the first time, I was in the New York of my dreams. It was the first time the real New York matched the New York of my imagination. Everyone was so glamorous — I remember in particular a woman in an odd black fascinator who was completely at ease with herself. While you’re here, check out MoMA, and see what’s playing in their movie theater.

9 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019
(212) 333-1220
Monday-Saturday 11:30am-10:30pm
Sunday 11:30am-9:30pm

Printed Matter Inc.

Browse, buy, be inspired by artist-made books. This is the place where I first became acquainted with Lisa Anne Auerbach’s political knitting patterns that later inspired the Pussyhat Project. They currently have signed copies of Auerbach’s “Charted Patterns for Sweaters that Talk Back.”

231 11th Ave, New York, NY 10001
(212) 925-0325
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 11am-7pm
Thursday and Friday 11am-8pm
Sunday 12pm-6pm

International Center of Photography Illustrated Camera

International Center of Photography Museum

The first exhibit alone will take your breath away — a video of glaciers calving. You will be awestruck. Anyone who loves the Pussyhat Project will love this exhibit — it is so on point, covering topics like climate change, Black Lives matter, gender politics, immigration. “Perpetual Revolution: The Image and Social Change continues ICP’s long-standing tradition of exploring the social and historic impact of visual culture.” Jan 27, 2017 – May 07, 2017

1114 6th Ave, New York, NY 10036

(212) 857-0001
Closed on Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am-6pm
Thursday 10am-9pm

Washington Square Park Illustrated Arch

Washington Square Park

Meet us here on April 8, 2017 for I Can’t Keep Quiet Day. We’ll be singing “I Can’t Keep Quiet” with MILCK, Yumi Sakugawa, Liz Hill and YOU!

New York, NY 10012

Letters from the Feminist Front #1 TMI Blog

Letters from the Feminist Front #1

I get amazing letters, and when I got this one, I just had to ask Jeannie if I could share it. Lucky for us, she said yes!

Hi Krista,

I wanted to tell you something. I let my husband, son and daughter know these past few months “I AM” part of the resistance and will continue to be until the end of my time. I have bought about one hundred skeins of yarn to make the now famous/Infamous PH.

My daughter asked me, “why are you so aggressively trying to get these done and why are you so vocal along with all your old lady friends?” I cried while I was telling her my story and am tearing writing this. I was a single mother raising a daughter and a son. I was 21 with my daughter and 27 with my son. While raising my daughter I was sexually harassed every working day. I don’t believe there was one day I didn’t have sexual advances. I let her know I couldn’t complain because I would have been fired! I let her know I couldn’t quit because I had her to feed and clothe. She is 35 years old now and said she has never known a boss to be forward or rude in any way. My response was “You’re welcome.”

My girl supports me and my strong support of the PHP and the resistance. Recently a very loud relative– my husband’s brother– let me know he needed to block me on Facebook. He had asked me in previous weeks to please stop posting and reposting and sharing all the hate rhetoric. I let him know it’s not meant to offend him and to unfollow me. Smiley face. About a week after that he texted me and said, “I need to block you!” Again, I let him know that’s so unnecessary. Well, true to his beliefs of not reading or seeing anything unpleasant about Mr. Trump, he blocked me. This I’m okay with. When I noticed my son liked his uncles post about having to block family and friend, I can only imagine he put all the other “Friends” on notice.

I asked my son to come and chat with me. I let him know things I never needed to share before now. I told him about being sexually harassed and molested for years and years. I also told him about one of my superior co-workers who came up behind me and reached around and touched/felt my breast. I asked my son what do you think I did? I asked him what do you think I could/should have done? I let him know I could do nothing, because as soon as I complained I would be fired. I let him know I did my very best trying to raise him and his sister alone, while going through nursing school.

I asked him to look at those women out in the crowds marching, marching, marching. When you look at them please see me, I am them- I am them. I know I was able to get through to my daughter I feel my son who was raised in a different era will never clearly understand the hardship we women went through to have the rights we now have, all of this on the backs of very brave women. He has a daughter and I can only hope he raises her to be a strong female role model for others behind her.

I’m taking my granddaughters to DC this summer we all will have our pink hats and I know there will be marches. We will be in them. I don’t ever want them to forget the sacrifices of all the women around them. Krista, thank you for starting a wonderful project, you are so brave, and we will support you.

Thank you,

Jeannie Whitaker RN

Hi Jeannie,

Thank you for sharing this powerful story, it made me cry! I am so glad that you are speaking up, even when your family is not completely supportive, that can be so hard.

I am turning 30 in July and like your daughter, I say THANK YOU for what you went through because it truly has expanded the rights of the next generation of women (even though we still have a ways to go!)

One of my first jobs out of college was at a chemical plant – I wore steel toe boots and a hardhat. It was a weird place for a Barnard Art History major to be! I was the only woman in the building, and experienced harassment. I reported it, the reporting of it was a terrible experience, I cried when I talked to the head of the plant, not because of the experience but because of the way they were handling it. Afterward I called my mother and apologized to her for crying at work, she’s such a role model in my life, I thought she would be disappointed in me, and I was so ashamed.

Surprisingly she wasn’t hard on me at all, instead, she said, “I’m proud of you for reporting it. Though aren’t you lucky you don’t have a family to support, that you don’t need this job, and that you can risk reporting it? A single mother wouldn’t report this.” That has ALWAYS stuck with me, and your story brings it to mind again. Yes, I had that freedom, but it’s not enough that I had the freedom to report something, we need to make it so every woman can. And even when I reported it, the handling of it was so ridiculous. The fact that harassment toward women happens at all in the workplace is ridiculous.

What I went through in no way comes near what you went through. Thank you for sharing your story with me, and for knitting pussyhats. I am getting tearful again just thinking about it (since that summer I worked in the chemical plant, I’ve clearly grown less ashamed of tears! ha!).

Jeannie, would you be okay with me posting your letter on my blog? I think your experiences dealing with your family face to face, and with your friends/”friends” on facebook would be really valuable for others to read. We could make the letter anonymous if you wish, or just use your first name, it’s up to you. Or, we don’t have to post it at all, I just wanted to propose the idea to you.

Most of my family works in medicine, and I know how critical RNs are, thank you for ALL that you do – as a feminist, as a nurse, as a single mom, as a grandmother. I am so honored to receive this letter, thank you. I hope your granddaughters have an AMAZING time in Washington – I know that this trip with their grandmother is something they’ll remember forever.

Much love,
