100 Women + POC Author Project:
Bookplates #1-20


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I’ve personally been on a mission to read more books by women and people of color. And then I thought… wouldn’t it be fun to invite you all to join me?! And if you do join in the fun, here’s a gift for you: a free digital download of beautifully illustrated bookplates. This is the first set, bookplates #1-20. Over the next few months I will release the rest of the bookplates in sets of 20, in total there will be 100 bookplates, EACH with a unique illustration by the amazing Aurora Lady. This is to encourage all of us to pay attention to Women and POC Authors – to give our support by buying the book and to give our respect by giving our mental space to the author’s ideas in the book. You can choose any 100 books to read, my own will be quite the mix: non-fiction, YA fiction, classic, brand new, etc. Extra credit for getting your books from your local independent book store!


The bookplates are designed to be printed on these Avery shipping labels, or similar.

Another DIY approach:
You can also print them on regular paper, cut them out, and washi tape them to your books! Super pretty.

When you take to social media, be sure to use #kristasuh, #100womenauthors and #100pocauthors to join the conversation! Aurora Lady’s illustrations are soooo instagrammable.

Happy Reading!