Evil Eye Glove
- by Kelly
Don’t Let Our Students Get Gunned Down – Sea of Eyes March for Our Lives on March 24
Some of you might know I came up with the idea for the Pussyhat and the Sea of Pink in the car while driving up the 5 freeway on November 12, 2016, just days after Election Day.
What many people don’t know is that I had an idea, a vision, before that. It came to me in a dream, just minutes before waking up - I had a dream of a protest, a huge peaceful crowd with their hands outstretched toward the sky – each palm had a huge EYE drawn on it.
It was a Sea of Eyes.
I’ve been hanging on to that image knowing that it was going to do something, mean something. Sunday morning, I got invited to the March for Our Lives Facebook page – it is a march organized by the students of the Florida school shooting. And that’s when I knew. It is time.
I’m calling on you to help make the Sea of Eyes a reality. To make a statement that enough is enough and gun violence has to stop.
Congress needs to know that the people are watching.
If you made a Pussyhat, please make the Evil Eye Glove (pattern here). If you wore a Pussyhat, please make a donation to March for Our Lives – our students need you.
Instructional Video by Joy Macdonell
Learn step-by-step how to knit, purl, and do some embroidery while making Evil Eye Gloves. If you know how to knit and just want help on the embroidery, you can jump to around 35 minutes where the embroidery instructions begin.
Where Do I Send My Gloves?
You can bring them to D.C. to distribute at the march yourself, or you can mail them to the Woman's National Democratic Club, who have generously agreed to be the main collection point for the #evileyeglove for the March for Our Lives.
Please put each pair of gloves in a ziploc bag (to protect from the elements) along with a personal note expressing your support of these students.
Please address your packages to:
Krista Suh
c/o Woman’s National Democratic Club
1526 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20036
438/438 Pairs of Evil Eye Gloves Committed
We want to get at least 438 donations to ensure 438 pairs will be at the March for the Florida student organizers and their families—1 pair each to represent the 438 people killed or injured at school shootings from 2014-present (according to The New York Times). For each of the months listed below, each of the Evil Eyes represents someone who was shot in a school shooting. Commit to knitting that number of pairs of Evil Eye Gloves to show your solidarity with the victims of those crimes and show your commitment to pressuring Congress for reform.
1,534/10,000 Total Pairs Committed
But that's not all! We want a sea of eyes. We want thousands of pairs of eyes looking at Congress to act. We want hundreds of thousands! Please add to the Sea of Eyes by making a custom commitment.
custom commitment view commitment list438 pairs of gloves is just the beginning.
438 is the minimum number of gloves we want to collect to show our support for March For Our Lives. But we want to collect thousands more to show Congress just how many pairs of eyes are on them right now—waiting for (demanding!) them to do the right thing.
Even if you can only commit to donating one pair of Evil Eye Gloves, your donation will add to the Sea of Eyes. Show your commitment to gun law reform by clicking the 'Custom Commitment' button below.
name Pairs Committed Location Grace clark 4 DC Almuth 2 Düsseldorf, Germany Alisa 12 Maryland Jenn Fennell 4 New Jersey Anon 1 Kansas City Anon 2 Washington, DC DR. ALICIA FRANKLIN, DDS, FAGD 1 Chicago Ann Truss 30 Chevy Chase, MD Barb Ulery 6 Ohio Eleanore 2 Philadelphia Celia 4 Bangkok Beverly Hill 17 Burnsville, NC Kelly Henley 7 Austin, TX Steamboat Springs 77 Steamboat Springs, CO Betsy 5 Seattle, WA Mina 3 South Dakota Makers' Mercantile 67 Kent, WA Acme Post 2 In a World Piedmont Yarn 17 Oakland, CA Bethany Schoenfeld 1 Berkeley, CA Sharon Wuerschmidt 6 Chester, VA Lynn Stewart 2 Parkland, FL Barbara Beattie 1 Sacramento Colleen Montgomery 1 Burlington, VT Kristen 2 New Mexico Marie Carroll 6 California Vicki D. 1 Poughkeepsie, NY Heather Chanryt 2 Washington, DC Cassidy Compton 4 Aztec, New Mexico Nana Cat 108 Lake Winnipesaukee, NH G C Lighthouse grandparents 10 Nova Scotia, CA Anon 2 Seattle Deborah Ryel 3 Warrenville, IL Emily Taylor 8 Fredericksburg, VA Pat Fuchs 2 New York City Katherine Thompson 5 Houston, Texas Robin Slattum 9 Thousand Oaks, CA Maggie H-G 10 Holland, MI Trich 6 Cary, NC CW 4 Apache Jct, AZ Quayln Stark 2 Kilgore, Texas Mary 5 Chicago Martha 6 Raleigh NC Carly Wienner 1 NYC Nicole Doebert 1 Appleton, WI Katie Pitcher 1 Holland, MI Craftivist 1 80517 Carol Papinchak 2 Salem, OR Leah R. 1 Wauwatosa, WI Lucretia Jensen 1 Shoreline, WA Rachel MacFarlane 4 Oakland, CA Karen 3-4 Chandler, AZ Janet Schnurlein 15 Hebron, IN Sherry 3 Florida Kris Paige 2 Colorado Ann Lindsey 4 Chicago Grace Clark 10 DC Kay Yee 2 Pasadena, CA Stephanie Petruso 5 Charleston, WV Julie McCormick 12 Tumwater, Washington Katie Schifano 1 Richmond, VA Mariayn 1 Indianapolis, IN Elizabeth Stratte 1 Redding, CA Laurel 1 Cape Coral, Florida Trish Foley 2 Washington, DC Megan Biddle 3 Newtown , CT Ruth 3 Vancouver, WA Susan kennedy 1 Anon Rachel Perla 2 Arlington, ma Barbara Gibson 2 Black Mountain, NC Jeane Cox-Meuser 2 Atlanta, GA Lee Fields 2 Avondale Estates, GA Kesten 4 Seattle, WA Leslie Kannus 1 Homer, New York Anne Goodwin 1 Ottawa, Canada Sandra Taylor 48 Santa Cruz, California Anon 2 Bonney Lake, WA Francey Howe Welker 10 Los Angeles, CA Nancy Lovett 10 Washington, DC Debra Rose 1 Phoenix, AZ Nancy Leuer 1 Tucson, AZ Santa Barbara Pink Hat Knit Group 5 Santa Barbara, CA Allison Ezell 6 Atlanta, GA Beth 10 Aurora, Ontario, CANADA Jen 2 Lake Geneva, WI Janet and bridget 4 North Carolina Audrey Yee 1 San Francisco Kelley 100 Laconia, NH Nancy Kelly 2 Mckinleyville, CA Jessica Beres 3 Martins Ferry, OH Jensine 5 Seattle, WA Michele Cheung 6 University of Southern Maine Anne 9 South Carolina Rustic Crafters (LL) 23 Nova Scotia, Canada Ann 1 Onalaska, WI Virginia 1 Washington, DC Tanya 10 Westchester County, NY Serial Knitters Yarn Shop 5 Kirkland, WA Holly 10 Santa Monica. CA Allison 1 Decatur, GA Emily 6 Minneapolis, MN Jeanne Vaver 7 Sheridan, IL Teri Denault 5 Carol Stream, Il Pamela Uchida 1 Marathi City, Gunma, Japan Knit Long Island 18 Roslyn, Long Island Jennifer Robertson 4 Columbus, OH Ellen Fairbrother 2 Southfield, Michigan Alyssa Lazo 1 North Hollywood, CA Regina 2 Los Angeles Nora L. 1 Baltimore, MD Anon 2 Gloucester, MA Aimee Hagerty Johnson 3 MN Anon 3 Massachusetts Rachael 3 Washington, DC Rachel Rayner 1 Switzerland Celia 9 Bangkok, Thailand Sue Hunt 2 Marin County, CA M. L. 2 Croton-on-Hudson, NY Sheila Bouck 5 Albany, New York Marjan Hammink 1 Westerhaar, Netherlands Katie Kimsey 2 San Francisco Pam Robinson 3 DC Anon 1 Nelson BC Canada Kelly Boverman 1 Portland, OR Sue Heitman 3 Rochester, MN Victoria 3 Toronto, Canada Lorraine L. 10+ Nova Scotia Edna Torres 1 Pasadena, CA Anita 1 Pacific Grove, CA Eironeye 1 Oakland, CA Elise 2 Hoboken, NJ Cheryl Dunham 1 Rhode Island Debra Kalmon 10 Oakland, CA Rachel MacFarlane 3 Washington, DC Bettina Bell 1 Oakland,CA Charlie Sharp 10 Oakland,CA Andrea McDermed 5 Portland, OR Charlotte 2 Norwich, UK Diane Tobias 10 Wooster, Ohio Robin Messing 5 Bergen County, NJ Yookie Lee 10 Annandale, VA Kristina 3 Seattle, WA Dawn Jacobson 1 Simi Valley, CA Paula Freedman 10 Geneva, Switzerland Anon 1 Rhode Island Carla 15 Arizona Katherine 4 Makers' Mercantile Gillian 3 London, UK Hilary Marsh 2 Chicago Kate Barron 1 New Orleans, LA Mieka John 1 Amsterdam Kelley White 4 Weirs Beach, NH Annie Modesitt 10 St. Paul, MN Audrey Swail 6+ Winnipeg, Canada Jenn Bernat 1 Mountain View, CA Yvonne Moody 1 Southport, NC Sarah Q 3 North Hollywood, CA Diane M 2 MD Ellen Dando 1 Los Angeles, CA Kate Clauson 1 New Haven Heather 9 Saint Paul, MN Wendy Shepherd 1 Royal Oak, MI Elizabeth 1 Federal Way, WA Mara Puppy 2 Vermont Kristin Kimmell 2 Philadelphia, PA Kate Rowlands Hayes 4 Livermore, CA Rachael shaffer 50 Anon Anon 2 Connecticut Teri Sabah 2 Portland, OR Sherece Magnuson 3 Washington DC Gwen Schnurmano 1 Portland Carolina 1 Portland, OR Mary 10 Portland, OR Hilde 4 Maine Leslie 2 Maine Angela Stavropoulos 4 Denver Anon 2 Idaho The Little Knittery 20 Los Angeles Janine Traycheff 4 St. Petersburg Kelly 3 Chicago, IL Jessica 4 Toronto Ryan 1 TX
438 people have been shot—138 of them killed— in school shootings since 2014.
Each pair of eyes below represents a pair of gloves to be donated and worn in solidarity with the number of people injured and/or killed in school shootings that month.
jan 2014

committed to by
Sheila Bouck
may 2014

committed to by
Lynne Kelly
june 2014

committed to by
Barbara Z. Banks
sept 2014

committed to by
Kelly Ford-Brill
oct 2014

committed to by
Tracy Painter
nov 2014

committed to by
Shelley Martinez
dec 2014

committed to by
Rachel Stein
MARCH 2015

committed to by
Nancy Gaipa
APRIL 2015

committed to by
MAY 2015

committed to by
Kate Clauson
JUNE 2015

committed to by
Eileen Rivoir
JULY 2015

committed to by
AUG 2015

committed to by
Francie Ryl
SEPT 2015

committed to by
kelley white
oct 2015

committed to by
kelley white
nov 2015

committed to by
Ann Silberlicht
dec 2015

committed to by
Grace Shannon
feb 2016

committed to by
Knitting as Protest
april 2016

committed to by
may 2016

committed to by
Artemis & Antigone Loomis
JULY 2016

committed to by
Melissa H
AUG 2016

committed to by
Deborah Poarch
NOV 2016

committed to by
Nancy Sabin
DEC 2016

committed to by
Stacy Karel
MARCH 2017

committed to by
Nana Cat
APRIL 2017

committed to by
Leslie Goode
MAY 2017

committed to by
JUNE 2017

committed to by
John Hickey
JULY 2017

committed to by
Judith Presson
SEPT 2017

committed to by
Nana Cat
NOV 2017

committed to by
Nana Cat
DEC 2017

committed to by
JAN 2018

committed to by
Anacortes Resister Sisters

Intarsia Knit Pattern by Kathy Vincent
DOWNLOAD PATTERNKnit Pattern by Stephanie LaRae
Crochet Pattern by Quayln Stark
DOWNLOAD PATTERNCrochet Applique Pattern by Maggie Haveman-Gould
DOWNLOAD PATTERNCrochet Pattern by Trista Hill
DOWNLOAD PATTERNCrochet Pattern by Jessica Beres
Sewing Pattern by Ann Silberlicht
DOWNLOAD PATTERNSewing Pattern by Nancy Sabin
Ask everyone to bring a pair (or several pairs) of white socks
Provide: Black Sharpies and scissors, and a few packs of white socks for people who forget or are in the mood to do more, Ziploc bags, paper and pen
- Cut the toe area of the sock off, depending on how long you'd like the part that will cover your hand to be
- Cut a hole for the thumb on one side of the sock
- Draw an evil eye on the palm area of the fingerless glove
- Write a note (can be brief, can be long) to the marcher or student activist who will receive the gloves, talking about who you are, why you are making these gloves in support, and any well-wishes.
- Put in Ziploc bag
- Share on social media with hashtags #marchforourlives and #evileyeglove

Some notes about the Evil Eye Glove:
The evil eye symbology goes way back. The Evil Eye is an act of protection. But it is not just defensive, it is also an act of aggression – of willful gazing, of not turning away.
Individually, to show the eye on the palm, you can put out your hand in a "stop" gesture - as in, we must stop gun violence, enough is enough. In a group, you can raise your hands above your head to show the eyes - this is the universal gesture of "hands up don't shoot" and a reminder of how vulnerable our children are in a country with weak gun control. (Read more about the recent history of the Hands Up slogan here.)
When you send in these gloves, it will reach a student or family member or ally marching at March for Our Lives. You are protecting them with your work, showing them that they are supported, are cared for, and that they have millions of people backing them, they are not alone. Give them this gift of support, protection, and a way for them to make a huge statement together, like the pussyhat did in January 2016.
Some stuff to come:
I will be working on a felt/paper pattern downloadable on the website that will allow children to take part in making these evil eye gloves as well.
If you can contribute patterns (knit, crochet, sewn, etc), please email them to me and/or post them to Ravelry.
Please use hashtags #marchforourlives and #evileyeglove on social media. As you make the gloves post a picture of your progress to show the student organizers that we've got their backs.
Thank you so much.