Election Night Party Invitation TMI Blog

10 steps to throwing an easy Election Night Party


Parties change the world, I truly believe that. I’ve solved every major problem in my life with a party. Whether the problem was in love (no boyfriend), work (not enough female colleagues and mentors), or family (members not getting along) – I’ve found that each was solved by a party.

Election Day is a month away, and I highly encourage you to plan your Viewing Party now and send out your invites – these invites do double duty of informing people about your party AND reminding them to make sure their voting plan is in order!

These are the questions I asked myself in order to put together my Election Day Viewing Party:

  1. Where can I have it?
    My living room!
  2. How many people can I host?
    1-8 people
  3. How much effort do I want to put in?
    Not very much
  4. Whom do I want to invite?
    Close friends, the type who won’t judge if my place isn’t perfectly company-ready!
  5. Is it casual open house style or more formal RSVP?
    Casual open house style
  6. What time on Election Day November 6th do I want to host the party? How many hours?
    Sunset in Los Angeles is at 4:56pm so it’ll be dark by 6pm, there might be traffic, I think I’ll officially start having people over at 7pm until the last poll results come in around 10pm. (My friends and I are mostly night owls!)
  7. What drinks and snacks will I serve? Is the time during meal hours, if so, what food will I serve? What do I like to eat? Do any of my guests have food restrictions?
    I’ll order Thai food takeout (plenty of veggies for the health conscious) and pizza. I’ll order a grocery delivery of iced teas, beers, chips, guac, and salsa the day before. Thai, Italian, Mexican – the diversity is so very American!
  8. Is my television working for the main event? Do I have enough chairs?
  9. Are there any special touches I want to add? Activities? Decorations?
    I might have ingredients to make Eve’s Election Day Apple Pie. I’ll also have candles and a lighter that my guests can use to make a prayer with. I’m also going to use the clip art on my website to create fun decorations – maybe origami to put on the coffee table.
  10. Having figured out all these details, will this party be fun for me? (If yes do it, if not, don’t do it!)
    YES! I’m sending out the invite right now.


Election Night Party Invitation

Download this personalizable invite for free!


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